Many people have trouble making toast without a toaster. Luckily, there are many different ways that you can still enjoy the taste of toast even if you don’t have a toaster at home!
Here are several methods for how to make toast without a toaster.
Toast on the stove
Using the stovetop is an easy way to make toast. You can simply cook it on both sides until you get your desired level of brownness. To prevent it from burning, be sure to keep a close eye on it while cooking!
Use a waffle maker
This is an easy way to make toast that many people don’t know about! Simply place two pieces of bread inside and cook until it turns golden brown, flipping halfway through so that both sides can be cooked evenly. This method works best if your waffle iron has removable plates, but even if it doesn’t you can still use it to toast bread!
Slow cooking in the oven
This is a simple way to make toast without having any kind of appliance. Simply set your oven for 300 degrees and place the bread inside, cooking it until it turns golden brown!
Make toast in a skillet (frying pan)
Using a frying pan can be another easy way to make toast. Simply cook one side on low heat until you reach the desired level of crispness and then flip it over to cook the other side!
Toast under the broiler
Toast can also be made in the broiler of your oven. Simply set it to about 200 degrees and place your bread on a piece of aluminum foil, making sure that you leave enough room for air to circulate around each slice! Keep an eye on it while cooking so that it doesn’t get too browned or burnt.
Toast in a Panini Press
A Panini press is a great way to make toast without having an oven available. Simply place your bread inside and wait for it to become golden brown!
Toast in the microwave
This can be another easy option if you want something quick. Place your bread inside of two paper towels, making sure that they are damp with water before putting them in the microwave. Then, cook for 30 seconds, and voila! You have toast without a toaster.
Make sure that you don’t do this with too many paper towels at once or they can catch fire! Also, be careful when using it because the inside of your microwave will become very hot from being near the source of heat.
Toast bread in a Quesadilla maker
Using a Quesadilla maker is another easy way to make toast without having an oven. Simply place your bread inside and wait for it to become golden brown!
Toast on the grill
Another quick option, you can also cook toast on the grill if you have one available. Just lay each slice of bread over medium heat until it turns golden brown.
Make It Over an Open Fire
If you’re looking for a really rustic way to make toast, try this one out! Simply hold the bread over an open fire until it turns golden brown. You can also do this on your grill or even use a campfire if that’s available to you.
Use a pizza oven
A pizza oven can also be used to make toast. Simply place your bread in the middle of the oven and wait for several minutes until they turn golden brown!
Final Thoughts
Perhaps you’ve had a toaster before and have watched it as toast pops out of the slots. But what if your toaster is broken, or maybe you just don’t want one? That doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy some crispy bread!
In this article we’ve shared 8 different ways how people have made toast without a toaster – from cooking in an oven, using a skillet over low heat on the stovetop.
If none of these sound appealing then there are other options available such as cooking under broiler for about 5 minutes at 200 degrees Fahrenheit (or 100 degrees Celsius), making toast in a Panini press which heats up high but cooks slowly so only needs heating time around 10 minutes, cooking under the grill for about three minutes, using quesadilla maker without the warmer plates on it or heating up a knife first.
Bonus – recipe for toast without a toaster:
ngredients: bread, butter/butter substitute, sweetener (optional), cinnamon (optional)
Instructions for making toast without a toaster are as follows:
First, take your slice of bread and place it in the oven or on top of the stove – do not turn the heat source on yet. Leave this piece of bread out and do not put it in the refrigerator.
When you think your oven/stove is warm enough, take a fork and poke holes into the bread – make sure to poke lots of holes as this will allow heat from the surface of the stove or from below from heating up the inside parts of the toast more quickly. Then turn on your heat source to medium or medium-high heat.
When your bread begins to brown, take it out of the oven/stove and place butter on top – spread evenly across bread slices if using a reasonable amount of butter. If you are trying to watch calories then use a substitute for the butter such as Smart Balance Butter Blend which is still delicious but much lower in calories than butter.
Spread your sweetener of choice across the top to taste, and sprinkle with cinnamon if using that as well! Enjoy warm toast without a toaster with whatever toppings you desire – it’s delicious either way!